Member Spotlight: Khalid Alhanaee

Khalid Alhanaee

“At CFM people are welcoming and encouraging. You will learn you’re stronger and more capable than you think. You won’t be part of a gym- you’ll be part of an incredible community.”

1.    How long have you been a member at CFM?
I’ve been a member for around 6 months now.
2.    Why did you join?
– I was having trouble going to the gym by myself and getting motivated. I was also trying to be social again after COVID, so my friend suggested to try CrossFit since it’s a group workout.
3.    What do you love most about CFM? / What keeps you coming back each month?
– I love how everyone is just so kind and encouraging. I keep coming back because the people here make me feel comfortable and that I belong. It’s my happy place!
4.    What is your current occupation? And/or what are some hobbies, clubs, groups, or activities you participate in? 
– Currently I’m a petroleum engineering undergrad student at WVU.
5.    Who inspires you?
– My big sister Amnah inspires me. She’s the owner of a big architecture company, one of the best engineers in her field, and mother of five amazing kids. She always says that you can do everything and anything you want in life with determination and hard work.
6.    How has improved fitness impacted your life? Please provide an example of a result outside of the gym. 
– I became more confident and energetic in my daily life since I started CrossFit. I used to try being unnoticeable or avoid interacting with people around me and always stay in. Now I’m more comfortable being around people, more socialized and always jumping into the next adventure without hesitation.
7.    What’s one thing – either fitness-related or not – you learned in the last month?
– That I hate thrusters more than anything.
8.    What would you say to someone you love to encourage them to try out CFM?
– At CFM people are welcoming and encouraging. You will learn you’re stronger and more capable than you think. You won’t be part of a gym- you’ll be part of an incredible community.